I haven't really been here in a while. So hello. Welcome back. (Thank you). First, I'm sorry for tricking you with my "Dropping out of College" post. It worked, though! And I'm not dropping out of college. I'm set to walk this May. I've been hesitating on posting anything in a long time. Taking this past job as an NHDP Organizer was the greatest thing I have ever done. I've learned so much from that position, and am continuing to, even though it's technically over. I met some of the best people I ever had the pleasure of experiencing life with, and I learned a new form of self awareness and self confidence that I've never had before. It was also one of the hardest things I have ever done. The position called for 90 hour workweeks, pushing forward through the criticism, and continuing to be inspirational enough to get people involved even though you are being beaten into the ground by social media and people against you. I've learned...
Now that I have your attention, are you gonna be a voter this Nov 6 to elect Bill Bolton , Molly Kelly , and Annie Kuster ? Check your registration status below, and don't talk to me unless you're at PSU and ready to volunteer. Talk to y'all on November 7th after we FLIP THE FREAKING HOUSE! www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org www.vote.org