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Showing posts from August, 2017

Reproductive Health: Women Edition

Please bear with me during this post. While it is long, it's very important to me, and reading it would raise awareness. It was hard for me to type this all out, but I do hope that it helps somebody for me to tell my story.  This past week, I experienced the first ounce of being uninsured by healthcare. I'd like to start this blog post with stating that I'm so lucky to have healthcare, and to not have to worry about it very much in the past. My parents are so lucky to have jobs that insure healthcare, and I couldn't imagine not being able to be insured, for whatever reason. This past week I took a trip to the gynecology office. I've only gone once before, just to discuss birth control methods that were best for me, and that trip was over two years ago. The trip consisted of discussing methods with my doctor, learning what they all do to your body, thanking her, and leaving. This next trip was a bit more complicated. Let me explain. Ever since I started dating m