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1.20.17: Inauguration Day

Today is Inauguration Day, and 8 hours ago (12pm), Donald J. Trump became our President of the United States. I feel a sense of defeat tonight. Maybe it's because our president is as easily swayed of his beliefs as an insecure pre-teenager trying to make friends (yes, I'm talking about me), or maybe it's because he can't even hold a strong conversation with anyone older than third grade, but I'm feeling conflicted about our 45th president. I feel heartbroken that the people of our country voted for somebody so bigoted, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, and immature as Donald Trump.

Tomorrow, hundreds of marches will be happening during the day, all sistering with the Women's March On Washington, or #WMW, that is to "send a bold message to our new government on their first day of office, and to the world, that women's rights are human rights." I will be attending one near me with my close friend and family member in Montpelier at 1pm. As sad that I am that I can't go to our nation's capitol to speak my mind, I'm thrilled to be apart of this fight.

The important thing to remember though, is that we aren't fighting for just some beliefs. We are fighting for our lives. We are fighting to show the 62 million people that voted for Trump that we are who we are, and that doesn't make us less than anybody else.

I feel tired tonight. I've felt every possible emotion I could feel today, and I don't really know how to handle it all. I do know that tomorrow is a new day, a new rally, a new sunrise. I'm thrilled to be marching alongside the strongest women, men, and other in the largest inauguration-related demonstration in history. To my fellow marchers: Stay safe. Drink water. March peacefully. Remember these days.

As my first ever blog post comes to an end, I'd like to leave those of you reading with this thought: We are fighting for love, and acceptance. Look out for your friends, neighbors, family, and alike. Let yourself be overcome with happiness and admiration and awe. For the harder you fight, the more you grow.

(Here's some photos of my posters!)


Monica Laurette said…
I love you Paige. Stay this way forever.
Victoria said…
This is truly great <3

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